Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cheetah Style Ballerina!

Oh Wednesday.. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and that would be Friday. I am thankful that it doesn't look as glum out today. I see the sun shining making the snow look even prettier. It's amazing how the sun can brighten your mood instantly.

After buddling up for days in pants and furry boots it feels good to put on  a dress.Nothing makes me feel prettier than a dress.. I wore this one when the weather was alot nicer I paired this with my cardigan with a little jazzy gold chain on it.

I also wanted to talk about a workout that is new to me. It is called Jessica TV - Ballet Cardio.  I never workout in the morning.  I always say I can't get to the gym before I go to work.. but there is no excuse. Instead of hitting that snooze button 3 times(yea I do that).  Why can't I  get 25 mins in when I first get out of bed?  I really liked this work out and believe me I am no graceful ballerina type. I honestly felt my heart rate go up and broke a sweat.. and it wasn't a hot flash either.. LOL.  I am making it my mission to try new workouts and expand my horizons.. I may surprise myself.

Dress -Kohls Cheetah dress - this dress at such a steal you can even use code XMAS30 to get an extra 30% off
Sweater - Target Cardigan- I paid $15 when it was on sale
Booties- Nine West (old)
Necklace - New York and Company $8
Bracelet- New York and Company (old)


  1. What a bargain on that dress and it looks amazing on you. I love the print and also I love how you styled it as well.

  2. Love the dress and accessories. Great look!

