Friday, December 27, 2013

Plaid is so Rad with these Red Boots!

These are 2 things I am loving this year... Red..and Plaid..I have been obsessed with getting a plaid skirt so when I saw this little number at Windsor I knew I had to have it. Oh the possibilites of this skirt. I can think of so many ways to style this and I can't wait to show them off. My next obsession are these Rock and Republic red booties.. I have had my eye on these for so long. I was lucky enough to get these for Christmas. Not only are these so chic they are comfortable and honey these 41 year old feet insist on comfort!  What were your fashion obsessions this year?

Skirt Windsor Plaid Skirt
Booties- Rock and Republic Bootie
Sweater -old
Bracelet- Macy's - gift
Necklace-Macy's -gift


  1. What an overall affordable chic. Plaid is definitely the print of the season. I can understand why you love the booties so much. You look fabulous.


  2. What a fab shoes and skirt great set <3
    Have a very stylish New Year!

  3. In love with that skirt. Great booties too. Happy New Year doll xoxo
