Thursday, October 30, 2014

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

At first I wasn't sure about this jacket style because a part of  my thought it looked to young for my 40 something self but when I spotted this Joe Fresh baseball jacket at +JCPenney  I was not only impressed on the style but the fabric quality was awesome and with there being a 10 off 25 purchase coupon it made this jacket a no brainer for Curlybyrdie.  Joe Fresh is that classic brand that is great quality which is something I have really come to appreciate.  I can see wearing this with jeans and boots even with jogger pants  .. So many styling options and you know how I love getting my moneys worth.  What trends are finding out you actually like ?


Jacket - Joe Fresh via Jcpenney  $39 and you can use coupon $10 off $ 25 coupon here 
Skirt - H&M last year $12
Shoes - Lauren Conrad via Kohl's $49 use coupon code use coupon code THANKS746 for 15% off also check your mailbox I just got a coupon for $10 off purchase.
Top - H&M  last year $5
Bag - H&M last year $10

I am always finding awesome deals at H&M and in case you didn't know this place is not just for teenagers a bunch of one trend items at reasonable prices. So if you haven't been in there you have no idea what you are missing my fashionista's.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Fabulous Finds

I am constantly on the lookout for fashionable finds and of course I can't purchase everything I see but I love to window shop and post things that I think my readers may like .  I have found some super cute stuff from some of my favorite stores and online boutiques. I will of course have the links posted below in case anything strikes your fancy and I am all about making it easier for my fellow fashionista's . Shall we get started... I think we should

1- Jumpsuit Metaphor via Sear's for only $32.99 . Sears has really come a long way with this line of fashion forward pieces for the grown ass woman.. excuse my French baby.
2- Fabulous Hat via Forever 21 for $14.80 this is an awesome price for this on trend hat. I have been shopping around for one of these and I love this color as you can probably tell by now.
3- Jacket Worthington via Jcpenney - $48 . I love the Worthington line looks professional at a great price but still has some on trend items.
4- Floral Blouse via Forever 21 this blouse had me at hello! I did purchase this gorgeous blouse and did style it on previous post here .This blouse far exceeds it's price of $13.80

Group 2
5- Awesome T-shirt via Kaan's Designs - I just love this shirt..We all have those hot mess days! I know I do but somehow I would feel a little cuter in this shirt ..LOL styled with jogger pants or a pencil skirt. You could definitely make a statement with this t-shirt
6- Lace Midi Skirt via H&M $34.95 . This skirt is sexy but tasteful at the same time. You could dress this up or wear it with your Hot Mess Day t-shirt this options are endless.
7 - Animal print Apt 9 via Kohl's   You know I had to include some animal print . I love the fact this is animal print and Olive green and what an awesome price how can you not?
8-Bracelet Juicy Couture via Kohl's - I was happy when I found out Kohl's was going to carry this line until I remembered I was not 25 anymore...LOL but there actually a few pieces that I would wear and one of them being this fabulous bracelet. I am all about the bling and this brings it !


Monday, October 27, 2014

Shabby Chic

Have you ever saw a clothing item and fall in love with it immediately . That was the situation when I walked into Forever 21 and saw this blouse.  Now originally I would have called this a classic vintage look but I saw a friend of mine and she complimented me and said it was very shabby chic and I thought about it and she was dead on.  I love the floral pattern and rich burgundy color back round  it is just stunning to me and that those flowers add such a delicate quality . I decided to pair this with this super cute cream lace skirt I picked up earlier this summer at another favorite +H&M . I feel like such a girl in this outfit .  I think the Lauren Conrad shoes added an extra touch I almost feel like one of the Little Women when I wear this.. in a good way... LOL.  When was the last time you fell in love with a clothing item? Did you buy it right away?

My Blouse- Forever 21 $13.80
Skirt - H&M $15
Shoes - Lauren Conrad via Kohl's ( last year)
Bag - Adele Satchel via +Ora Delphine 
Necklaces - +Forever 21 

Orange is the New Black

I have such a love affair with the color orange it is really one of my favorites especially in the fall. Just to give you some insight my car is Orange , I have a slight obsession with pumpkin and the fall is my favorite season with all the orange , brown and yellow how could it not be.  In Indiana we have had some beautiful weather these past few days and I have been outside enjoying days of gorgeous weather. As I get older I find myself really appreciating nature and all the things I take for granted. This weekend I was able to take some of this beauty in on a walk with my teenage son  who of course had no interest at first but began to enjoy it almost as much as me.  Of course after making him feel guilty by telling him.. " One day when Mom is gone you are going to wish for these moment's"  . Yeah sometime you got to turn on the Mom guilt.. I learned from the very best "My Mom" LOL

My look is very fall but appropriate for the warmer temps. The dress is a light sweater dress that I picked up from +JCPenney last year for like $10 . It by Liz Claiborne and I just love the feel of it and it's orange striped how perfect is that ? I added this chic necklace I picked up on clearance from +H&M for $3.50.. yes I said $3.50 and I pulled together my orangy fall look! How are you fashionista's dressing for this fall weather is orange in your rotation?

Dress  Liz Claiborne via +JCPenney  - $10 (last year)
Boots- Carson's $50 - I got mine for $28 with coupon few weeks ago
Necklace +H&M - $3.50 orig $20 marked down to $7 additional 50% off clearance accessories in store
Bag- +Ora Delphine - Adele Satchel

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

NVEY ECO Product Review

If you have followed by blog for sometime than you know I am all about natural hair products so when I was contacted about reviewing a natural makeup product I was very interested. When I checked out NVEY Eco  site I was even more curious. When I saw they had a foundation selector I was not that confident that they could select a shade for me.  I have always with had an issue matching up multicultural skin to a foundation. They either are too dark , too light,too pink , too yellow...  The foundation selector matched me to shade Warm Honey 516 and I was pleasantly surprised with the results. It was a perfect match and it gives such a natural finish. I don't care for the cakey appearance of makeup and this had just the right amount of coverage. 

I used this foundation for about 2 weeks and I have not have had any issue with breakouts.   I give this makeup a 5 stars out of 5 . You can purchase this line at one of my favorite stores Ulta . 


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I don't know about you But I'm feeling 22

I am turning 42 tomorrow and I kept singing that Taylor Swift song 22 . Now to say that I feel 22 would be a huge exaggeration but I can honestly say I don't feel quite feel my age.. maybe 32. LOL. If I ever forget my age my 16 year old daughter would be quick to remind me.  The difference between me at 22 and me at 42 is I'm not as selfish. At 22 I thought life was all about me and at 42 I know that life is about so much more.  It's about putting your kids before yourself, being a good daughter, being a good sister and friend. The most important things in life are family and friends who are like family. I have lost some great friends , close family members but with pain their is always a lesson. I learned to appreciate everyday because it is truly a gift. You should tell people you love them while they are still around to hear it.  I thought I would be one of those woman that would lie about her age once I got over 40 but honey I am grateful for all the years I have been blessed with.

So today my sweet friends I wanted to highlight a look that felt young , vibrate and party like and what is more fun than a tulle skirt even more fun a tulle skirt with polka dots that only cost $10.. now that is a win win win!  I was able to score this adorable skirt and shirt from one of my favorite stores Clothes Mentor here in Fort Wayne.  This skirt was brand new with the tags on it.. Happy Birthday to me!  I also fell in love with the White House Black Market top for only $18 which is an absolute steel for that brand.  If you have never shopped at Clothes Mentor you don't know what you are missing all kinds of treasures for a awesome prices. They also buy gently used clothes and give cash on the spot or invest in some new cute items for your closet. 

I hope you fashionista's are having a wonderful day and I wanted to leave you with a great quote from Queen Oprah.. LOL 

" The more you praise and celebrate your life , the more there is in life to celebrate"

My Look
Top - White House Black Market via Clothes Mentor Fort Wayne $18
Skirt- Clothes Mentor Fort Wayne $10
Booties- Rock and Republic via Kohl's - gift 
Bag- H&M - $10

Friday, October 17, 2014

Frugal Friday and Getting my Healthy Back.

I am always about getting great deals and in order to do that sometimes you have to be patient. I almost never .. no I can honestly say never buy anything at regular price it at least needs to be on sale.  I think with age comes patience when I was in my 20's my attitude was " I better get that now or they will be out".It's like Frances(my mama) says "If it's still there it was meant to be" This necklace that I saw months ago in all it's fabulocity at H&M was like $35 now you ladies and gents know.. I am way to cheap ... I mean frugal to pay that for a costume necklace. So I waited and really kind of forgot about it and than low and behold I did a walk through at H&M and found it on clearance for $5. Now that's more like it. I decided to wear this with my J-lo jumpsuit I scored from +Kohl's last year and added a a blouse I picked up from the Goodwill for $2 and this frugal Friday look was born. 

Now onto getting my healthy back.  I lost almost 50lbs on +Weight Watchers  a few years ago and have seen the weight creeping up(15lbs) and not being really serious about doing anything about it. I resorted back to my old ways not planning, picking up fast food, drinking unhealthy cocktails on the weekend. I have a busy life I am a single mother of 2 kids so I am running constantly but there is time if you make it.. and I know that from past experiance. I have joined a new gym which I like and I love going later when the kids are getting ready for bed and I have the gym to myself for the most part. I want to look nice of course  and  fit into all those fabulous deals I find but most importantly I want to be healthy. I will be 42 next week and I want to be the best me at every age. So stay tuned I will do updates occasionally or maybe post some cute fitness outfits whatever floats into that Curly little mind of mine. I hope you have a fabulous weekend and I would love to hear any tips you may have and of course I want to hear about those fabulous finds.

My Look
Jumpsuit - JLO via Kohl's (last year $20)
Top- Goodwill $2
Shoes - Apt 9 via Kohl's $20
Necklace -H&M   some great great jewelry finds and the accessories are additional 50% off in store
Bag - H&M $10 last year

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

You have been Fall-ized

I have made it my mission to spend less on clothes and what I mean by that is instead of investing in more clothes I am trying to restyle some of the pieces I already have. Now that is a Fashionista on a budget. I bought this dress awhile back just in time for spring and I decided to add a little animal print pop . As many of you know I have a  real love for animal print so I am constantly trying to find ways to incorporate it in my wardrobe.  I love the color combo of Beige and Coral two of my favorite colors for the spring and summer.. and now fall!  I added my beige cropped jacket and ladies and gentlemen this dress has been FALL_IZED... ! How are you Fashionista's staying on a budget? Please share your tips and tricks

Dress- Elle -via Kohl's sim
Shoes- Macy's ( old)
Necklace - Apt 9 via Kohl's sim
Bag - Ora Delphine - Adele Satchel

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fall Find Come to Life

In my previous post for Fall Finds I lusted after this Bisou Bisou Bisou  skirt from Jcpenney. I ended up purchasing it for myself .  I have many skirts from this brand and I love them all. I love the uniqueness of this skirt with the plaid and floral pattern and it's even topped off with some lace trim. When I thought about how I would style this I thought I would do a simple button down shirt but after checking out my closet I found this cute little top I got last year on clearance from Kohl's. I wanted something bright to give it a little pop. I just love when I can transition a summer piece straight into the fall. It was such a bright and sunny fall day that I think the color combo was perfect and than I added my my faux leather Joe Fresh jacket I picked up for non other than JCPenney.  When taking this pictures I noticed that my recent weight gain of 12lb was really showing up in my hips in some of these pictures and than I though I would not add them to the blogpost.. but than I said to myself embrace who you are right now. I have recently joined a new gym and trying to get my healthy back on but I love who I am right now.  It's part of the journey.  I wish I could say that I came up with this myself but it was my 16 year old daughter that really spoke this into existence. She said " Mom you look beautiful how you are.. quit being so down on yourself.".. what did I do to deserve such lovely young woman? The very words I speak to her she said them to me.. It's time for me to start living it and believing it.  I will get back on my healthy track but I will embrace the journey and love myself a little more.

If you want to score this lovely little skirt there is a 10 off 25 coupon that would make this skirt $18 how sweet is that?  If you pick it up I would love to know how you style it. 

Skirt -Bisou Bisou via Jcpenney 
Top - Kohl's - clearance $8 last year
Booties - Kohl's Apt 9 clearance $20
Jacket - Joe Fresh via Jcpenney
Bag - Lulu - Jcpenney clearance $20


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My Candies Love

When I walked through the forbidden section of +Kohl's  on my lunch hour ,my 16 year old hates when I shop in Juniors she says Mom you are 41 you need to stay in Misses.. The nerve of these teenagers.. LOL. I spotted this super cute Candies dress in the Juniors dept and as much as I love the animal print it was the quality of the material that really sold me. It is a sweater material that feels a little like bandage material if that makes any sense... I love the way it hangs over my hips and honey have you seen my hips that's a big deal.. I actually left it at the store still thinking about it because I am really trying my best not to shop. On Saturday I was out with my favorite shopping buddy my sister ( the enabler)  and I made the mistake of showing this girl the dress and she instantly fell in love with it also and we both bought it! Now luckily I had a $10 off coupon for my birthday this month.. yes I am a Libra hold the applause..LOL and I had a 30% coupon so it was really a steal how could I not buy it?  Do you fashionista's over 40 still find things in the Junior dept?  Have an awesome Wednesday we are almost there !

Dress-Candies via Kohl's - you can use code OCTPYD20 with Kohl's charge for 20% off plus free shipping OCTSHIP

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Wittle Wishlist!

I am always on the lookout for pieces that tickle my fancy and unfortunately I do not have the bank account to get everything I see.. sad story.. Lol.  I usually keep a mental list for things to watch out for so I can get it at an awesome deal because by now you know that is how I roll.  These are just a few things that I have found that I am lusting for today.. (could change tomorrow)  and I will do my regular and watch them like I always do so I can hopefully score a great deal. What pieces are  you lusting for right now?. Please share.. nosey.. I mean inquiring minds would like to know!

Group 1
1) Jennifer Lopez - Kohl's- I am in love with these shoes they have just the right amount of animal print they are perfect ... swoon
2) Jennifer Lopez - Kohl's- the gorgeous color justifies anther jumpsuit in my closet and yes I would sport those shoes with it!
3)Bisou Bisou - Jcpenney - this skirt is just fabulous it's scuba material with lace plaid and flowers what else could a girl ask for ?
4) i jeans by Buffalo - Jcpenney - the faux leather sleeves sold me on this it's different could make a
simple pair of jeans look so chic.

Group 2
1)Old Navy - I love this sweater I would totally rock this with a pair of jeans and plaid shirt or even a pencil skirt and my high healed oxford.
2)New York and Company - there are 3 things I love about this dress..  it's a dark floral which I love for the fall, it's midi length and it's scuba material which hide the lumps and bumps.. it's a win win win !
3)H&M - I love that this is lace and I don't have a Kimono believe it or not and it's $14.95 need I say more?
4) H&M - I love gold by first choice for accessories and belts can take a simple dress , jumpsuit or pants to the next level... so this belt would be definite yes!


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's October Baby

October my favorite time of the year mainly because it is my birthday month and fall has officially arrived in my mind.  The season of Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Apple dumplings is upon us... Life is good.  With it being the beginning of this wonderful month I couldn't resit pulling out a little plaid to celebrate the occasion. I went easy with just a pop of plaid with the scarf but stay tuned there will be much more to come. Plaid and animal print have to be my very favorite prints for the cooler weather so watch out it's about to be on! LOL.

I went with another transition piece this little red dress from +NY&Company. I decided to add these fabulous Lauran Conrad high heeled oxford shoes from non other than Kohl's . I scoped up the all black version last year and loved them so when I saw the gray woal version .. honey I just had to add them to my collection.  Not only are these babies cute.. they are so comfy... and these 41 soon to be 42 feet need comfort.  So ladies if you want cute , classic but still sexy and comfy.. this is the shoe for you!

What do you fashionista's love about fall ? Is it the fashion, the food or both?

The Look
Dress - New York and Company  - got it instore $10.50
Scarf- +H&M - last year
Jacket +H&M - last year $10
Shoes - Lauren Conrad via Kohl's