Sunday, January 18, 2015

Goodbye is Never Easy

 Normally I would be posting about all the awesome deals I found on MLK weekend.  You know any holiday they find a reason to have a fabulous sale.  This post is something very different it is a post about loss.

This weekend I lost my step father Dave to lung cancer.  He was diagnosed in Sept and lost his battle this Saturday.  Dave came into my family's life 21 years ago on my 21st birthday. It was a gift that I was not open to receive to say the least . It had been just my Mom and my sisters and my brother for most of our life.  We were spoiled we were used to having all my Mom's attention. I was the oldest and I was the worst. It was not an easy transition.  There were so many years when I referred to Dave as my " Mom's husband" I didn't want to feel like I was disrespecting my Dad .. yeah crazy I know. Than as time passed and I grew up and I first realized I like Dave.. I liked the way he treated my Mom and how he treated us. He was present at all events in my life and than later in my kids life. They loved him... and I realize I did to.  I am so thankful that he came into my Mom's life ,she had been alone for so long and he was companionship for her and a father figure for us.  I told Dave months ago how thankful I was that he came into our life and I apologized for years ago when I didn't really make his life that easy and in true Dave fashion.. he told me that I don't have to apologize he understood.

I will miss my step father. I will miss the crazy jokes, the laughter our family holiday's together but most of  all I will miss the way he made my Mom feel .  Dave I love you and I will never forget what you gave to this family. Rest in Peace.. Until we meet again


  1. I'm sorry for your loss. May God give you peace and understanding in your time of sorrow.

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